BlackBerry 10 January 2013 Device Launch Confirmed by RIM CEO


One of the items that we glossed over mentioning in our recap of CIO’s interview with RIM’s CEO Thorsten Heins turns out to be a key statement. Thanks to Terry for pointing out that Thorsten Heins confirmed that BlackBerry 10 devices will start their rollout in January of 2013. That cuts short many skeptics who worried that RIM was waiting until March 31st, 2013.

Specifically Heins was responding to when frustrated customers, shareholders, and users would have their faith restored in RIM. He stated that:

In January with the full touch device and the QWERTY coming, I think we will reinstall faith in RIM. That’s what we’re working on. This is what our objective is, and when I’ve talked to carriers about the delay of BlackBerry 10, the overwhelming feedback was, "First, thank you for letting us know in advance. Second, Q4 is mostly a prepaid quarter anyway, lot of noise coming, actually why don’t we focus on a Q1 [2013] launch and make this a major launch in Q1?" I think we have a lot of support there.

I have faith in the future. My team is working relentlessly to create that future.

Hopefully that means we will have a nice present from RIM within weeks of the new year. 🙂

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