RIM Going Strong in South East Asia

As mentioned by Ronen earlier, RIM’s plan for increasing their presence in SouthEast Asia seems to be kicking into place. From contests giving away awesome phones to sponsoring the filming of movies, RIM does seem to be on adrenaline rush right here. Here are some events that have happened and what is currently happening in Singapore, a sunny island in SouthEast Asia.

For the month of February, RIM stepped up the ante by giving away two pairs of BlackBerry Bold 9900 and a pair of BlackBerry 9790. In addition, several boxes of customized BlackBerry chocolates were given away for Valentines Day competition.

Apart from the Valentines Day goodies, RIM also announced their sponsorship for this local movie – TimeLess Love.

With the Gala Premiere just over on Tuesday, and officially in local cinemas in Singapore on Thursday, this is one rather exciting movie to catch for those who have the opportunity to catch it!
Anyways, take a look at the press conference and trailer below:

Now, BlackBerry has teamed up the region together for a regional Skin design competition where you get to design your very own skin for submission and they are giving the winner from each country in the region a BlackBerry 9900 and plenty of goodies for the rest!
The competition is on-going and is expected to end in April. If you are in one of the participating countries, do go take a look!

  • Singapore
  • Malaysia
  • Philippines
  • Indonesia
  • Thailand

Note: Once we have news that the remaining regions have posted up news of their competition, we will update them here!

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