Tips & Tricks for BlackBerry PlayBook OS 2.0 Email, Contacts, & Calendar (Help Us Build The List!)


In the last few hours I have had a chance to dig further into the latest released PlayBook OS 2.0. This is a huge step forward for RIM but a totally new interface even for current BlackBerry owners. I thought we could start by creating a tips and tricks list where we can all share what we have learned starting with email and messages. Here are some of the ones I have found so far:

  • If you add a Google Apps account to your PlayBook and it does not recognize it as a Gmail account (to sync your contacts and calendar) you can fix that. Simply delete the account from your PlayBook and when you add it again hit the advanced options button on the first screen and select Gmail account. This worked for me!
  • You can pull down the messages list at any time to refresh the messages list in any folder. This is very useful!
  • When you add a personal contact from your PlayBook then it will sync that contact to all of your associated personal accounts that sync contacts. I noticed this when it added the contact to all three of my Gmail accounts.
  • So far I have seen that only the Inbox, Sent Items, and Outbox folders are synchronized. To view the other folders just pull them up and pull down to refresh them.
  • Gmail drafts show up on your PlayBook!
  • Click on a contact in the header of an email for a popup menu that shows you the address and ability to open the full contact card.
  • View only your Unread email by clicking the search button on the left and then selecting the Unread filter.
  • Move emails to a folder by pulling down the menu bar and selecting “Select.” You then can select multiple emails while on the right you will see the available folders to put the emails into.
  • Change to Conversation view in the settings of the email client by changing the Display As to Conversations.
  • Also in the Email settings change Download Images by Default if you wish
  • Change your Email signature by going into settings in the Email app and then clicking the left tab that says Email Preferences.  From there click on each email account to change the signature or turn it off.
  • You can do a remote lookup in your companies directory if you click search in the Contacts app, type your search, and select remote lookup
  • Change the color of your calendars by going into the settings in the calendar app and selecting Calendar Preferences on the left. You can then change their titles.

This is by no means a complete list but help us add to the list in the comments!

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