RIM Shows Up on Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) Website


Back in April of 2011 Mike Lazaridis let me know himself that DLNA was coming to the BlackBerry PlayBook. When he said soon I guess he had a different definition than me. 🙂 BlackBerry PlayBook will be getting its DLNA certification very soon which will allow you to wirelessly stream video and music to devices that support it.  In case you don’t know what DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) is here is a brief primer. DLNA is a standard that sets profiles for devices that stream or accept streams of media like music and video. The best part about DLNA is that it is an open standard which means you will be able to stream to the thousands of DLNA certified devices out there.

Superfly_FR over @CBForums (via CB) has been religiously checking to see when RIM would appear on the www.dlna.org website and he finally spotted an update. Research in Motion is now a listed Manufacturer on the DLNA website here though they don’t have any certified products yet. This means that RIM has finally joined the DLNA and is working on certifying devices. Who knows we may be seeing this sooner rather than later!

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