Pure Nostalgia With Free Legend of Zelda Game for BlackBerry Smartphones

 Legends of Zelda-w200-h200 Legends of Zelda2-w200-h200

I have to preface this by saying that this is definitely not the idea Legends of Zelda experience but it is fun to reminisce. GameVNS has released the Legends of Zelda game in App World for BlackBerry smartphones. It uses the MeBoy nintendo simulator so the frame rate is not ideal but the game is definitely playable. Truthfully the main reason I installed it was just for the pure nostalgia of playing a series I have not seen in years.

Hopefully this game does not get yanked out of App World but you can download Legends of Zelda now at this link. Keep in mind that when you start the game you should hit the menu button and set your button mappings for the game otherwise it wont work. Let us know what you think!

PS: Anybody else think its odd that a simulator would make it past the App World reviewers?

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