Seriously those will be good tears. I am hoping RIM is paying attention to the new Anastasiadis BlackBerry Concept design posted up by Kevin @CrackBerry. The concept was created by industrial designer John Anastasiadis who happens to also be a BlackBerry fan. This is his version of a dream BlackBerry that really blows your mind and makes you want to jump a few years into the future to have one of these… if they are ever made.
John’s envisioned device includes:
- Wrap around screen. This allows you to incorporate soft-keys on the underside for gaming, navigation, etc.
- The asymmetrical shape allows you to know the orientation of the phone (while holding) without having to look at it.
- There is one hard button that serves multiple functions (screen lock, picture taking, etc.)
- The phone has some artificial intelligence that can predict if you intended a command. For example, sometimes while using an iPhone it will slip out of my hand, causing me to grab for it any which way I can, thus hitting all sorts of buttons on the screen.
- The front and back cameras are behind the screen. The screen will illuminate to act as the flash.
Anybody else thinking that RIM needs to hire John to help them tweak the next BlackBerry 10 phones? The only issue I have is the lack of a physical keyboard and an indicator light…
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