BlackBerry Traffic is available to download now in the BlackBerry BetaZaone. Today RIM released an update for BlackBerry traffic with the change log below. If you are already a BetaZone member log it to get the new version, and if not? just sign up!
Here is a change log:
*Fixed*Overlap Text: The overlapping text bug displayed in the “Options” menu screen has been corrected.
*Fixed* Device Lock: When pressing the lock key, 6.0+ OS devices will now lock when application is in the foreground.
*Fixed* “Include Street Names” box: When checking the “Include Street Names” box in “Guidance Options”, the application will no longer automatically default to “High-Quality Audio”.
*Improvement* Initial Voice Guidance Instruction: “Arriving at destination” audible guidance is now enforced upon arrival.
*Improvement* Guidance Options: Wording changed in “Guidance Options” menu screen to “Standard Audio – Faster Download” and “Enhanced Audio – Louder and Clearer”.
Diego Nei, MBA ( View Profile) - Posts: