BlackBerry Traffic now Available in BetaZone

BlackBerry Traffic is available to download now in the BlackBerry BetaZaone.  Today RIM released an update for BlackBerry traffic with the change log below. If you are already a BetaZone member log it to get the new version,  and if not? just sign up!

Here is a change log:

*Fixed*Overlap Text: The overlapping text bug displayed in the “Options” menu screen has been corrected.

*Fixed* Device Lock: When pressing the lock key,  6.0+ OS devices will now lock when application is in the foreground.

*Fixed* “Include Street Names” box: When checking the “Include Street Names” box in “Guidance Options”, the application will no longer automatically default to “High-Quality Audio”.

*Improvement* Initial Voice Guidance Instruction: “Arriving at destination” audible guidance is now enforced upon arrival.

*Improvement* Guidance Options: Wording changed in “Guidance Options” menu screen to “Standard Audio – Faster Download” and “Enhanced Audio – Louder and Clearer”.

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