Get Help With Those Lyrics Stuck in Your Head with LyricFind

LyricFind has released their world leading lyric app for the BlackBerry PlayBook after a very successful launch for iDevices and Android.  LyricFind has the  largest database off lyrics available with over 1.5 million.

Here are some of the main features:

– Find the lyrics to all your favourite songs. Want to learn the lyrics, sing along, or just can’t figure out what they’re saying? Now you can!

– Powerful yet simple search feature helps you easily find what you’re looking for

– Lyrics, artists, or albums

– Bookmark your favorite lyrics, and always have easy access to your list. Great for parties or gigs!

– View detailed artist biographies, photos, and album art

– View the newest charts of top lyrics and artists

– Submit corrections to our database

– Email to a Friend …and a whole lot more!

You can get your own copy of LyricFind via BlackBerry AppWorld for $2.99


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