My File Manager, A New All in One File Manager for the PlayBook

My File Manager is a new app released by group over at Hiratte.  There intention is to allow management of the files in the /accounts/1000/shared and bridged SDCard folder on the PlayBook.  One of its main features being that you can hide and unhide files, as well as zip and unzip files with or without password protection.

The application seems to have a lot of functionality that some users were looking for, as well it seems to be a very well updated peice of software.

Here are a list of some more of its features:

-SDCard – Support Bridged SDCard access.
-Photo Thumbnails – Tiled List view for easier photo organizing with photo thumbnails (JPG, GIF, PNG, and BMP)
-File Size and Date – Detailed List view for detailed file’s info with size and date.
-Hide File – Hide personal photos/documents while sharing your BlackBerry® PlayBook™’s files to colleagues through Wi-fi Sharing.
-Password Protected – Password protected login to secure your hidden private and confidential files.
-Zip – Zip and Unzip archive files, and Zip file content list view.
-Password-protected Zip – Zip and Unzip password-protected file (simple symmetric encryption).
-Storage Info – Status bar shows total folders/files, selected folders/files, total available storage space, and total file sizes.
-Open File – Launch registered app for file automatically by tap-and-hold action.
-Folder – Create new folder and delete folder.
-Files – Copy files, move files, delete files and rename file.
-Select All – Easy to select all files or de-select all files in folder.
-Sort By – Sort files ascending or descending by filename, size, and date.
-Hidden Photo Tumbnails – Able to hide or show thumbnail for hidden files.
-Open SWF File – Launch browser to open SWF file automatically by tap-and-hold action

My File Manager for the BlackBerry PlayBook can be found in BlackBerry AppWorld for the price of $2.99

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