August Rewards Contest BlackBerry 7 Device Prize Winner is…

Circle of BlackBerrys

Coming off of our huge high from hitting our 10,000+ article milestone just after our 4th birthday we continued strong in August blowing past previous records. We even took things a step further with the BerryReview Rewards contest in August offering up a BlackBerry 7 device of your choice to one lucky winner. BerryReview BlackBerry Unlock Store, your #1 source for BlackBerry unlock codes, sponsored the giveaway of a BlackBerry 7 device (based on availability) or a $500 Amazon/PayPal gift certificate! I am happy to announce that the results are in and our judge has made the decision. Drumroll please! The winner of the August Rewards Contest and their choice of a BlackBerry 7 smartphone or $500 Amazon/PayPal gift certificate is:

certifiedRHCE for this forum post – Congratulations!

We hope you had fun in August with our Rewards contest with finalists coming from the forums, comments, twitter, and tips competing to win. Congrats certifiedRHCE! You will be hearing from us shortly with further instructions.

Also don’t forget to get going on our September Rewards contest for  one of 8 Plantronics BackBeat 903+ Bluetooth Stereo Headphones or a $50 Amazon/PayPal gift certificate!!! Don’t forget to support the BerryReview BlackBerry Unlock Store so we can keep on running these giveaways!

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