Rumored QNX BlackBerry Images Leaked? We Have Our Doubts!

QNX-phone-leakThis is probably going to make you say that can’t be right! Which is the way I am leaning on this latest image that might be the rumored QNX BlackBerry. The image honestly looks pretty ugly at this point, which make me think they are either fake, or a nock-off device as we have seen many knock-off BlackBerry devices before.  Other rumors suggest that the first QNX device will be an all touch screen. This new image has a full QWERTY keyboard and a the traditional four buttons below the screen.  Hopefully this is not what we see released or the device looks a lot better later down the road. But for now we have our doubts whether this is the first QNX powered BlackBerry Smartphone. If it is true maybe we will see some higher resolution images soon. Let us know what you make of this in the comments below.

 UPDATE: A clearer image shows the device is a FAKE after all. Check the image below.

Source: Maxpda Via: BlackBerry Empire

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