Soocial Syncs Your Contacts Between Multiple Sources & Your BlackBerry


We mentioned Soocial a LONG time ago in November of 2008. Since then the service has come out of beta and really fleshed out. A friend asked me if there was a service that lets you sync your contacts between your BlackBerry, Gmail, Google Apps, and Outlook and I told him to look Soocial up. In that vein I thought it would also be worth mentioning it to all of you.

Soocial is a really slick service but the big problem is the cost. The service is free to sync up to 250 contacts between two sources. If you want to start synching more like Gmail, Outlook, Google Apps, Yahoo, Windows Live, and more you will have to pony up for a monthly plan starting at $4.99. Soocial is definitely worth a look if you need such a service for work or can live with the free plan at Otherwise check out Gist.

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