If you have been following some of the recent headlines, you would have seen mention of the new BlackBerry Music service. Our friends over at CrackBerry posted some new details about the service today.
- Users will have to download the new standalone BlackBerry music app from App World
- Once installed, there *should* be a free trial (may vary by country/carrier – but expect a month free)
- Once the free trial expires, the service will cost $5/mo.
- With the app installed, you can choose up to 50 songs of your choice. Apparently the catalog selection is pretty good!
- From there, you invite your contacts via BBM, etc. to also download the app if they don’t have it and join your music sharing network (invited contacts must pay the $5/mo. also to take part and remain part of the service).
- From there, you can listen to not only the 50 songs you’ve selected), but any of the 50 songs from your music sharing network. So if you have 20 contacts, you’ll have access to 1,000 other songs in addition to your 50. We’re not sure yet if there’s a limit to how many people you can share with, but essentially the more people in your music sharing group the more music you’ll have access to.
It is a good start for the most part, and it will be very interesting to see how this evolves, especially with competing music services like Google Music.
Source: CrackBerry.com
Image: EndGadget
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