Devs: BlackBerry PlayBook NDK Beta Coming to Beta Zone Soon?

BlackBerry PlayBook ndk public beta screen

It looks like developers waiting for RIM to release the BlackBerry PlayBook QNX Tablet Native Development Kit (NDK) won’t have much longer to wait. According to the public beta of the NDK will be opening up soon but we don’t have an exact date. It looks like you will be able to apply to participate in the beta through the Beta Zone so keep an eye out over there.

The NDK is a huge deal for developers since the PlayBook QNX is POSIX Compliant which means quite a bit of code and even full apps can be ported easily. It also gives developers a whole lot more power than the Flash or WebWorks SDK’s. At the beginning this will be mostly for games and high end apps but once RIM releases a UI framework manager things should get really interesting.

Keep an eye out on the PlayBook development landing page for more details

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