BlackBerry Curve 9360 Also Sporting Wi-Fi Mobile Hotspot

BlackBerry Curve 9360 Packing Wifi Hotspot

One of the features RIM has been very coy about in BlackBerry 7 has been the mobile Wi-Fi hotspot. We saw it pop up in documentation and even devices before but all the devices RIM has been showing off don’t have it featured. They also seem to be glossing over mentioning it on any of the devices they have announced. We are pretty sure that it is coming to the BlackBerry Bold 9900 and Torch 9810, 9850, and 9860 but RIM has not confirmed it as far as I have seen.

BlackBerry Curve 9360 Packing Wifi Hotspot 2

That is what makes it interesting to see the mobile Wi-Fi hotspot feature show up on the lower end BlackBerry Curve 9380. As you can see in the pictures the feature is there and alive. I am sure RIM is going to find a way to make sure carriers get paid extra for you to use the feature but I think it would be a huge boon for PlayBook users. It would simply allow you to tether to your BlackBerry using Wi-Fi though I am curious what it will do to battery life.

I know quite a few of you are waiting for RIM to release such a feature. Let us know why!

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