Review – miShuffle, Say Something Creative on Facebook

Sometimes finding the most clever thing to say on Facebook is harder that it seems. Finding something with meaning, cleverness, hilarity or just sarcastic so you get all the “Likes” you wish to have is a daunting task. Well, here is a tiny app that will help you find those posts. miShuffle is a relatively small app (116.6 KB) with LOTS of posts you can use. Ranging from Beauty and Family Matters to Insults and Political Incorrectness and SO much more. There are 62 topics to choose from with each topic have at least 4 different posts you can use.

All you do it just log into Facebook as soon as the app is opened for the first time, then choose your post and hit “Post”. And within 10 seconds, your post is live for others to read, comment and providing they have a sense of humor, “Like”. Another nice thing I see is that every time your reboot your device, you must log into Facebook to use the application. This is good because then you know that the app is not storing your information.

If you need a little bit of inspiration in your Facebook posts, you can get miShuffle for $1.99 $.99 (on sale) in the BerryReview Store.

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