Free Conqu is a Powerful Task App for Your BlackBerry PlayBook


A couple readers have pointed out a slick task manager called Conqu for the BlackBerry PlayBook. This slick task manager is perfect for those who don’t want to use Tasks over the bridge or simply don’t have a BlackBerry. There is quite a bit of customization available in Conqu for anybody who needs tasks from a simple task list to a GTD style use case. That means you can use it for a shopping list or get more complex by assigning projects, energy, time to finish a task, and additional context like tags.

Main features:

  • Unlimited everything: tasks, projects, contexts, contacts or tags.
  • Filtering by contexts, tags, energy or time
  • Specifically designed for touch devices and tablets like the Playbook
  • Future view to see what lies ahead in the next few days
  • Back burner view for tasks that you have put off to do at a later time
  • Work offline: you don’t have to be connected to the internet to be able to access all your tasks
  • Stay focused with views that are intelligently organized like TODAY and NEXT

Best of all Conqu is totally free. Hopefully they are working on a BlackBerry smartphone version that will sync (suggest it to them here) but until then you can pick up Conqu in App World.

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