Developer Successfully Ports SSH Client to PlayBook (First Steps)

BlackBerry PlayBook Ported ssh client

I have been watching the PlayBook development scene with great interest since the device launched. RIM has been slow at releasing the BlackBerry PlayBook Native SDK which is promised to come this summer. Still that has not stopped devs from pushing the envelope. Marc Paradise, developer of the popular free BBSSH client, detailed some of his latest developments in our forums.

He has confirmed that he has successfully compiled and built a basic SSH client on his BlackBerry PlayBook using a native ARM binary to port libssh over to QNX with a simple front end. Currently this client can only be executed from an SSH session to the BlackBerry PlayBook so it is of limited use other than a proof of concept. Still its a big step proving the usefulness of POSIX compliance on the QNX OS. It also may mean that developers will have a way to create apps for the PlayBook without waiting for the native SDK to launch.

Check out the details on Marc’s blog or discuss it in the forums.

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