Distimo Tells You What Words NOT to Use in Your App Name

 Angry Apps

A friend of mind sent me this interesting blog post by Distimo highlighting what words developers should not use in their application name. They base this on the fact that if you use these words you will not only get lost in the thousands of apps but will also lack any distinction. Personally I think that is a big deal because many users find recommended apps in App World by searching for a word or two of the name. On the other hand some apps specifically want to be confused this way.

After stripping away the noise they found that these were the top 25 words used in all app names across all of the major app stores for each device:

wallpaper live guide news theme
ebook clock travel app sexy
game world dictionary map calculator
radio love girls widget english
hot puzzle football pocket city

They also had some fun tracking how the worlds Angry and Birds have become more popular since Angry Birds first came out in December of 2009. Funny stuff… Check out the chart at the top of this article to see what I mean.

So devs just make sure not to call your app the Live Sexy Pocket City Girls Puzzle App or at least give me some credit for coming up with it. 🙂

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