DreamBerry: RIM Should Add Push to Talk Features to BBM


While writing up about the new LoudTalks push to talk service I could not help but think about BBM. RIM could have a real hit on their hands if they integrated push to talk features to BBM. I know that it would be walking a fine line in terms of keeping carriers happy but in this mobile game it is either innovate or deteriorate. RIM did a brilliant job of adding Groups to BBM but I think adding voice or better yet video streaming would make it 10 times cooler!

BBM already has the infrastructure to send peer messages and audio files between devices. I already know people who use the BBM voice note feature to send messages back and forth. It would be downright brilliant if RIM would simply add half duplex push to talk groups to BBM. It would be a huge hit for businesses who have been looking for a more modern push to talk groups solution. Better yet would be the ability to streamline taking a video and streaming it to multiple people in a group.

What do you think? Do you see RIM ever adding push to talk voice capabilities to BBM? I am kind of curious to see if a developer will be able to create their own push to talk service using the new BBM peering APIs…

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