Viira v3.0 Released With Productivity Enhancements

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Viira is probably the most comprehensive GTD (Getting Things Done) app available for BlackBerry. They have just released an update to their app bringing it to v3.0 which packs in more productivity features and enhancements users have requested. A friend of mine is a hardcore GTD user and he loves Viira.

Here is what’s new in Viira 3.0:

  • In-Basket: Designed specifically for the collection phase of Getting Things Done, Viira’s In-Basket provides a convenient place to quickly enter a number of tasks, ideas and reminders. All tasks, native tasks, email and SMS tasks that have not been assigned a project, context or day will appear in the In-Basket.
  • Search. Quickly find the task that you were looking from Viira’s Tasks View with Viira’s fast search.
  • Reminders. Many of you have asked for the ability to add a reminder to a particular task, and we are happy to bring this feature to you! Although David Allen warns against relying too heavily on reminders in your GTD system, if used properly they can be a powerful ogranizational tool.
  • BlackBerry Tasks integration: Viira loads all tasks from your BlackBerry’s native Tasks application in the In-Basket from where you can further assign then to a project, context or day.
  • Hide Completed. Hide all completed tasks and focus on what remains to get done. Hide completed is available from all of Viira’s views and all your completed tasks will appear once again when you select “Show Completed”.
  • Quick new project/context creation: Have you ever started entering a task only to realise that the project or context you want to classify it under has not been created yet? With Viira 3 you can quickly create a new project or context right from the new task editor without having to switch views!
  • And more! Viira 3.0 contains a number of other smaller enhancements, too numerous to list here.

There is a free trial of Viira 3.0 available on their download page or from your BlackBerry. Current Viira 2 users can choose to upgrade at their special upgrade price of only $19.99. Karta Mobile has creatively allowed you to run Viira 2 side by side with Viira 3 so you can test out the trial before deciding to purchase this update.

2 total comments on this postSubmit your comment!
  1. Love (no, make that LOVE) this program! Viira is the best and easiest to use implementation of a GTD system on BlackBerry that I’ve found. Don’t shy away from trying this just because you might not be familiar with David Allen’s GTD system; try Viira V3.0 as a simple task management system, but due to it’s design you’ll fall into the GTD aspects of it which just makes the managing of tasks all that much easier.

  2. Would love for two way data with the BB Tasks app. There is a Viira Windows Outlook plugin but Mac users are left in the cold. David Allen himself nows uses a Macbook Pro and BlackBerry.

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