Vaja Cooks Up High End BlackBerry PlayBook Cases & Sleeves

Vaja PlayBook Cases Vaja PlayBook Cases3 

Vaja can always be counted on to create some slick BlackBerry cases and they do not disappoint with their lineup for the BlackBerry PlayBook. These cases are in the $110-$240 range so they truly are only for those who want both fashion and functionality. They currently have two accessories for the BlackBerry PlayBook that are shipping now.

  • Leather Book Black/Red style case that opens like a book – $180
    • Alina pointed out that this case was reviewed positively on N4BB by Nic Hagan!
  • Mini Leather Bag designed for any 7” Tablet – $240

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They have two more options that are available but have a 20 day “Handicraft process”:

  • Leather Book Brown/Blue style variant of the case mentioned above – $180
  • Premium Leather Sleeve – $110

You can find all the case options at since we cannot link directly to the products.

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