Back in March we told you that ReelPortal was bringing their cross platform Adobe Air video chat application to the BlackBerry PlayBook. Thuyen from ReelPortal let me know that it is now live in App World. Many users have been asking for a cross platform video chat application for the PlayBook and until Skype or another larger solution comes out ReelPlayer is the only one I know of. The app is designed to work on multiple OS’s so you can video chat with users from their PC through the app.
Here is how they describe their solution:
ReelPortal is an Adobe AIR 2.5 based video chat and conferencing app for the BlackBerry PlayBook. Designed to work with multiple devices and OSes, its features include:
- video conference with multiple friends
- join a public room, or create your own locked private room
- supports both P2P and client/server connections
- Persistent connection allows switching between Wi-Fi and 3G without dropping connections
- Use it as a nanny-cam or video monitoring system
- ReelPortal is room-centric. You automatically connect to everyone in a room when you enter with no need to call them individually.
You can find ReelPortal in App World or simply head on over to to check it out from your browser.
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