PrivacyStar Subscription Contest


PrivacyStar is an awesome app to have if you always find yourself at the receiving end of a lot of telemarketers, wrong numbers or just plain want to block specific numbers from contacting you. PrivacyStar offers Unlimited Caller ID, Unlimited Call Blocking and more. Boasting the ability to help users within the U.S and Canada file complaints with the Do No Call agencies, you will have peace of mind knowing when your phone rings, it wont be because of an annoying telemarketer.

In honor of the success that the #45 PrivacyStar car is having in the Pirelli World Challenge, PrivacyStar is excited to present “Your Worst Telemarketing Experience” Contest. All you have to do is comment on this post about your worst telemarketing experience. Tell us and your submission would be worth one of 2 six month subscriptions or one of 2 one year subscriptions. This contest will run from today, Wednesday May 4th until Thursday May 5th at 11:59 pm.


– No Names or Companies

– All comments must be clean

– No foul language

– Only 1 submission per person. Any other submissions will not be counted

– Contest ends at 11:59 pm on Thursday May 5th. Any comments left after which won’t be counted.

Winners will be announced on Friday May 6th. Good luck!

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