New Effortless Theme from ZMan Designs – 15 Freebies!

If bright, colorful and easy, fast and clean themes are your thing, than Effortless Theme by XMan Designs is a theme you should be looking at. Currently only available for OS 6 (soon to support OS 5) Effortless is “sleek, simple design allows for quick easy access to your most used programs with one click. It eliminates all the distractions and it’s quick to do so.” I wasn’t able to personally test this theme since I’m still using OS 5.0 but ZMan’s themes usually work very fluidly as well as also looking nice. The price tag is nice too, costing only $2.99. More screen shots and purchase link can be found here. And for those of you readers who are fast, use coupon code BREFFORTLESS at checkout (once you’ve selected your appropriate device) and get yours for FREE. Thanks to ZMan for this giveaway!

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