I took some time to play with the BlackBerry PlayBook music player and thought I would share the features with you. The player is pretty slick but seems to lack any options which is odd like an equalizer but other than that it is awesome. You can control the music from the buttons on top allowing you to play/pause and raise and lower the volume. If you hold down the volume up and down keys it will skip forward or back a track which is also nice.
My favorite feature is the fact that RIM put the media controls and preview in the status bar. That means you can swipe down from the top left or top right bezel and see an icon for media playing. If you click on the icon it will show you the album art, current time in the song, name of the song, along with the ability to pause/play and skip tracks.
The PlayBook makes it easy to create a playlist by simply swiping down from the music view and hitting the edit button. You then select as many songs as you wish and click the add button and they are there. It looks like you can only create the one default playlist on the device but you can copy over more from your PC and edit them from the PlayBook.
You can also search your music and the PlayBook will search the music live showing you the results as you type which is nice.
Most of my music does not have album art but the music status shows up on the bottom of the music player screen along with the album art. All in all its a pretty nice experience! Check out more screenshots below:
domi994 ( View Profile) - Posts: