BlackBerry Bridge to Allow Media Card AND Internet Browsing!

BlackBerry Bridge Description2 BlackBerry Bridge Description

I mentioned in my last article that the BlackBerry Bridge would allow you to browse the internet and now have confirmation of that fact. The BlackBerry Bridge description in App World clearly states that the Bridge will allow you to browse the internet through the app. It will even allow you to access your companies Intranet if you are on a BES and your BES admin has allowed for it. On top of that they have confirmed that it will allow you to access files on your BlackBerry smartphone from your PlayBook but I am not sure about the other way around.

BlackBerry Bridge, you can connect your BlackBerry PlayBook tablet to your BlackBerry smartphone to access email, calendars, and more. From your tablet, you can connect to files stored on a media card and browse the Internet using your wireless connection.  If your smartphone uses a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, and Intranet browsing is enabled by your IT administrator, you can also browse your organization’s intranet.

Still don’t believe me that the BlackBerry Bridge is one of the best features of the BlackBerry PlayBook? RIM has some more surprises coming and I cannot wait to get my hands on the BlackBerry Bridge from my Torch!

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