FilesAnywhere Expands Their File Backup & Sync Tool to BlackBerrys

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With all the noise made about DropBox and SugarSync (my current favorite) we sometimes miss the other competitors. FilesAnywhere claims it has been in the cloud storage business since 1999 and they have a pretty competitive feature set. Their desktop tools also let you backup to secure storage along with collaborating and editing files in their cloud.

They announced this week that they have extended their FilesAnywhere platform to BlackBerrys with a new app. Their plans seem a bit more expensive than SugarSync/DropBox and they only offer 1GB of storage. Still their BlackBerry app looks nice and functional though uses a bit too small of a font. Features of the BlackBerry app include:

  • Automatic Login.
  • View FilesAnywhere folders and files, including photos, videos, documents, spreadsheets and more.
  • Upload files from your BlackBerry phone, including your photos and contacts.
  • Share your files or folders to any email address or contact in your phone, with no downloading and no email attachment!
  • Instantly access folders shared to you from other FilesAnywhere users.
  • Download files from your FilesAnywhere account to your BlackBerry
  • Manage your FilesAnywhere account from your BlackBerry, including New Folder, Rename, Delete, Move, Copy and View Properties.
  • Send Faxes to any fax machine in the World directly from your BlackBerry phone, using your FilesAnywhere account.

You can learn more about their FilesAnywhere BlackBerry app at this link or download it directly here. You can read more about the service as a whole and how it compares on their website. Let me know if you try it out!

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