Rumor: BlackBerry PlayBook Was Delayed Because of iPad 2 Causing Display Shortage?

letterman licking the iPad 2

If you needed another reason for why the BlackBerry PlayBook is launching on April 19th instead of mid to late March like it was supposed to we have another culprit. This is all a unconfirmed rumor for now but I know for a fact that the PlayBook was originally scheduled for a mid and then a late March release. According to the Taiwanese DigiTimes the

“BlackBerry PlayBook shipments were postponed for about a month from the original schedule due to a delay in software testing as well as a shortage of touch panels because Apple already booked up most of the available capacity.”

So while “software testing” probably means ironing out bugs in the Tablet interface for QNX it looks like the iPad 2 launch is also to blame. I just hope RIM found a way around that to truly flood the market with BlackBerry PlayBooks.

Thx DPR for pointing this out in the comments! via DigiTimes via AppleInsider

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