Use Staples Coupons to Get a Cheaper BlackBerry PlayBook

PlayBook Staples

Quite a few readers have let us know they are using Staples coupons to cut down the price of the BlackBerry PlayBook. There was one for $50 off Staples in Canada but it expired quickly. Nikolaus let us know about his method of getting $30 off the BlackBerry PlayBook from Staples and we thought that would be a great deal to share.

What he did was:

  • Head on over to which sells a $30 off $150 coupon for for $3.49. 
  • He used coupon code "onlinecouponshop25" and it deducted 25% off the entire order at OnlineCouponShop
  • He then used that coupon at to buy his 16 GB Playbook

All in all we have for a 16GB BlackBerry PlayBook from Staples at:

Price:  $499.00
Subtotal:       $499.00
Coupons:        -$30.00
Tax:    $38.69
Delivery:       $0.00
Total:  $507.69

An easy way to save $30 off a PlayBook. Let us know if you did anything differently!

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