I cannot count how many apps I have tried over the years to make sure I keep on schedule. Still I am always open to trying a new one so when OnTime contacted me I decided to give it a spin. So far I find the app kind of cool since it works with your calendar to give you reminders and maps of your route. I don’t drive as much but it can also notify you of traffic delays and can tell your upcoming appointments if you are running late.
All in all it seems like a different spin on RIM’s BlackBerry Traffic app with more calendar focused features. Since I don’t drive on a regular basis I decided against using the app but if you find yourself on the road every day you might want to check it out. You can read up more about the app on their website or pick it up for $1.99 in App World. If you give it a spin let me know what you think since I did not have much of a chance to test out their mapping, traffic, and other features.
Terrence T ( View Profile) - Posts: