NOTE: This preorder may be a mistake on Staples part. Still trying to confirm with RIM.
We knew that Staples was going to be carrying the BlackBerry PlayBook. Quite a few readers immediately went to Staple’s website when we announced the Best Buy preorder and let us know Staples is also offering one. Staples has all three variants of the BlackBerry PlayBook available for preorder with the 16GB for $499.98, 32GB for $599.98, and 32GB for 699.98.
The ETA is currently 7-14 business days which fits with the April 19th release date at Best Buy. Still it makes you wonder what Best Buy being the “Preferred PlayBook Retailer” means. Here is what Staples has to say about the preorder:
Pre-order your Blackberry Playbook by April 8th, 2011 to reserve one of these limited quantity tablets. Product will ship within 3 business days of receiving it from the vendor. Expected delivery: 1 – 3 business days. Your credit card will be charged at shipment.
Check out the Staples BlackBerry PlayBook Preorder at this link
Terrence T ( View Profile) - Posts: