I have been using BB Boss since its release by the BDHP team to help with the shrinking of OS6 for more free memory on my 9700. It is a wonderful tool that keeps getting updates making it better and better as an all in one PC app for BlackBerry’s. Before we continue with BB Boss let me throw in a DISCLAIMER, if you are not comfortable removing OS Files, and even maybe bricking your BlackBerry (if you shrink or delete the wrong stuff) please use the app with caution.
BB Boss allows the user to Shrink the OS to a reasonable size, removing all bloat like fonts, languages, applications and more. They have added Hybrid installation, File system, and also the ability to help create OTA downloads in the JAD/ALX creation.
For today, we will just stick with OS Shrinking. As you can see from the image above that BB Boss lets you really customize what files will be installed when upgrading your OS or just even freeing up space.
I personally shrink out everything except for BBM and Memo Pad in the normal menus. I have been able to get my install files down to 36.3MB Pre Install.
I am using BB Boss 1.1 right now because i do not use the other features.
From the image you can see that my starting folder size was 146MB and I was able to remove 109.6MB of unwanted install files. Also note, that what you shrink out will not directly add to that many MB in file free, but when i load my 9700 for the first time with no apps, I have 110MB File Free and after all my apps are installed I am down to 95MB. Everyone will want to shrink out different things, and I would stay away from the ‘Advanced’ section, until you read up on what those functions do.
We can start by downloading BB Boss (Download links will be posted at the bottom of the article) and install which one you wish to use, as I stated above, I use 1.1 as it has all the features I need for now. Second you will want to uninstall all unneeded OS’s for your device off of your computer, and make sure the one you want to use is install.
Run BB Boss, and at the top you will see that it lets you select which OS you are wishing to work on, and from there you can start removing things that you will not want to use. You will see that I take out the default ringtones as well, I use MP3’s as my ringtones or custom tones saved on my media card and don’t need them. From here, click carefully before you shrink, unlike the OS5 tool Shrink a OS, BB Boss does not(not at least in 1.1) save the deleted CODs for future addition and you will need to re install the OS on your computer to restore the deleted CODs. Once you have your selected items, click Auto Add/Remove and after 30 seconds it will tell you how much you have shrank out. This will be the button ‘OS on Disk’ in Version 2.2.2.
The Next step is determined by what you’re looking to do. If you are upgrading your OS, you can continue by clicking File and Launch AppLoader, this will launch RIMs AppLoader.exe and continue through the upgrade process. If you are looking to shrink out the OS that is on your phone (only do able in version 2.2.2) click Direct Shrink on phone, and follow the prompts.
With version 2.2.2 you can really play around and have fun with shrinking, as you can directly modify the OS on the phone, and it eliminates having to Wipe and Reload the OS if you want to shrink it, as has had to be done in the past.
As mentioned above, please be cautious with your removal of items in the ‘Advanced’ section and have fun!
DOWNLOAD LINKS – Windows only
You will also need the Desktop Manager USB drivers installed to complete these operations.
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