When BBM Makes it to the PlayBook Will it Have Video Chat and a New UI?

BlackBerry-PlayBook-660x495Many have questioned whether the PlayBook will have a PIN or not and why does it not have BBM? The current BBM on BlackBerry devices was made for the current BlackBerry OS and not for the kernel that makes up the QNX software.  It has been said that the PlayBook may run BlackBerry apps but I think RIM could do better. BBM is based on PIN # +BIS the Wi-Fi only PlayBook does not seem to have a PIN and no way to support BIS that we know off. We know that RIM is working on their own video chat application but is likely to be a new app not a BBM based.

My thoughts  are that if RIM plans to eventually put QNX on BlackBerry devices I would think that they will have to make a new UI and improve BBM to work better with the QNX OS instead of just porting the OLD BBM to the PlayBook.  That means that they could start from scratch and probably do away with a lot of bugs found on the current version of BBM. With the QNX OS I would think they would have more flexibility in creating a better looking UI and add more options. If they are not currently planning on doing this which many  users of BBM have ask is “will RIM add video chat to BBM?”

I believe that if they are planning on doing that on the current BBM would be hard but if they developed a new BBM with the QNX system they could probably pull this off. That may explain why we have not seen a native BBM app for the PlayBook. This are mainly speculation but it would be awesome if RIM did bring this to both the PlayBook and future BlackBerry devices.  The current BBM is great but it lags specially in group chats, and is a battery hog.  This would give RIM a chance to improve BBM and not be stuck with the limitations of the OLD system.  Who knows maybe RIM is already working on this, but if not it sure is a good dream right? Share your thoughts or ideas below.

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