Media Sync Screencap Shows a BlackBerry PlayBook PIN

Desktop Manager BlakcBerry PlayBook PIN

It has been a point of contention for some to know if the BlackBerry PlayBook will have its own PIN number. We have seen that the developer API’s have a way to ask for a PIN number but the lack of native email/BBM/PIM on the PlayBook lead some to believe it may not have a PIN. Others think that 3G and 4G versions will have a PIN but not the original Wi-Fi version.

While this will be easily proven for the Wi-Fi version when it comes out I noticed that the latest video by IntoMobile showing off the BlackBerry PlayBook Media Sync in Desktop Manager has a PIN. I tried sending a message to the PIN in the video (pin:FFFF06AC) from my BlackBerry but it did not get delivered or at least a delivery confirmation.

With that stirring the pot what do you think? Will the BlackBerry PlayBook have a PIN number?

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