Foursquare for BlackBerry v1.9.77 Beta Released

Foursquare BlackBerry

Foursquare came through with the small update they promised last week bringing the BlackBerry beta to v1.9.77. The new version supposedly sets the groundwork for them to get us v3.0 in the future. Michelle @CrackBerry managed to snag the change log for this small version update which adds:

  • Now able to add comments to a friend’s checkin.
  • New trophy case view of all of your badges.
  • The ability for users to "Check for updates" straight from the app!
  • Addition of a photo gallery viewer.
  • To enter this view, click on a photo in venues to enlarge photo, then click one more time to enter the gallery view.
  • The friends dashboard now shows if the checkin has comments or photos.
  • Speed improvements for rendering the dashboard screen
  • Fixes to add friends and profile photo upload.
  • Improved data connection for users having issues connecting via https
  • And much much more!

You can pick up the latest beta of Foursquare for BlackBerry at this link.

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