If you are a BlackBerry developer and have something to share you might want to jump on this opportunity lickity split. The DevCon 2011 Call for Papers from possible presenters closes on April 1st which is months ahead of the conference on October 18th-20th in San Francisco. If accepted you could be a breakout session presenter at DevCon.
RIM is looking for submissions on the following topics:
- BlackBerry® Tablet OS
- Adobe® Flash® and Adobe® Air®
- BlackBerry® Java® SDK 6.0
- BlackBerry Services (including Payment Service, Advertising Service, BlackBerry® Push Service, and more)
- Business Success and Case Studies (share your app development, B2C commercialization or internal deployment lessons learned)
- Other Developer Tools and Platforms
- BlackBerry Native C/C++
- BlackBerry® WebWorks™ application
- BlackBerry Web Development
- Multimedia
- Security
- Super Apps
- User Interface & User Experience
You have to love how they are asking for submissions about tools like the Native C/C++ SDK which has not been publicly released yet. Check out the call for papers details at:
Marc Paradise ( View Profile) - Posts: