Will We Actually Get Quake 3 for the BlackBerry PlayBook?

Quake Multitasking PlayBook Quake Multitasking PlayBook2

One of the relatively impressive demos RIM has been showing off at shows is what they are calling a Quake 3 demo app. I grilled a few of the demo reps since CES and none of them could tell me if the app was just a video of Quake 3 running or the actual open source Quake 3 engine ported to the BlackBerry PlayBook. While the EA Need for Speed game is impressive I would love to actually play quake on the PlayBook and I keep on asking if they have it running yet…

Anybody else want to play Quake 3 on the PlayBook? The engine behind Quake is open sourced as id Tech 3 back in 2005 and you can get the full source code ZIP at this link. That could get really interesting once RIM gets around to releasing the C/C++ SDK for game developers.

Still it would be awesome if RIM shipped the PlayBook with Quake 3 preinstalled… 🙂 You can check out some video of the Quake 3 demo RIM has been showing off courtesy of SlashGear below:

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