Are You a BlackBerry Addict? Ask Yourself These 3 Questions.

I have been reprimanded and embarrassed on more than one occasion, messing with my BlackBerry when I know I shouldn’t. At church, at work, at school, in meetings and at home.

Whether I’m responding to email, checking scores, playing games, chatting with friends, or reading blogs, I find the need to have my BlackBerry with me at ALL times. I admit, I am one of the “BlackBerry people” that Jerry Seinfeld refers to. I walk around holding the BlackBerry, because that is what BlackBerry commands me to do. I have also been guilty of the “creepy head down” on occasion, much to the dismay of my loving wife.

I have learned a simple rule: If you feel like you might get in trouble for using your BlackBerry, you probably shouldn’t be using your BlackBerry.

If you think you might be a BlackBerry addict, take this short quiz from the LA Times to find out:

Question 1 – Do you find yourself getting less done than before you were so linked in?

  • Studies have shown that multitasking takes longer than completing the same tasks separately.

Question 2 – Do you find it difficult not to check for emails or take a call when you’re in the middle of a conversation or meeting?

  • This is exactly where the “creepy head down” syndrome can take effect.

Question 3 – Are you getting too attached to technology that you no longer have time to think?

  • Quiet meditation seems to be a lost art.

If you answered yes to all 3 questions I would recommend starting this 12-Step Program suggested by Peter Lattman of the Wall Street Journal. Either that, or you could buy this Freedom app to force you to lay off the BB.

I think we could all benefit from a little BB downtime…wait, what’s that red blinking? …Gotta go!

Source: Los Angeles Times

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