Every few months a new study comes out that makes the whole cell phone to cancer research even more muddled. The latest study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and has a brilliant conclusion. They found that cell phones do something to the brain and increase activity by about 7 percent in the areas closer to the antenna in the 47 test subjects after 50 minutes of use. They did the test with the phones in both off and on (muted) to test what would happen with a PET scan.
So kind of have some research to point that cell phones cause your brain to be more active. One of our readers, DavidB, had a funny take on this. For all we know the cell phones were causing the users to develop super powers in the area of your brain around the phone. Now if they only checked the participants telekinetic and ESP powers right after each test… Even the researchers admit that the fact that the brain is sensitive to the magnetic impulses from your cell phone does not mean it is harmful or causes cancer. Even they admit it could turn out to even have therapeutic effects like a previous study found.
All kidding aside the thing that really drives me nuts about all these studies is that they all come up inconclusive or contradictory. Even after 20+ years of research we still have no idea if there is any causal connection between cell phones and cancer and we are still looking. I really just hope we can put this case to bed in the next year or two so we no longer have people avoiding their cell phones “just to be safe” if there is no harm to it.
If you are interested in the topic check out Cancer.Gov for some great Q&A on the correlating research between cell phones and cancer or lack thereof.
via ABC News via CrunchGear
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