Foursquare for BlackBerry Gets Alpha Maintenance Release v1.9.60

UPDATE: A few users let us know that Foursqare’s Alpha release now sits at v1.9.62


Quite a few users were having issues with the last build of Foursquare for BlackBerry. The new version added photos but also threw in a few new bugs. The new alpha maintenance release v1.9.60 fixes the biggest of these issues including:

  • Resolution of screen lock up issue after login on some devices
  • Resolution of checkin results lock up issue on some devices
  • Resolution of “send to twitter/facebook” not showing
  • UI fix with viewing photos on a smaller device
  • Landscape/Portrait rotational fix on some touch devices

Keep in mind this update may introduce more bugs but hopefully it helps. You can pick up this Alpha update at Thanks to everyone who sent this in!

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