PlayBook Apps in App World Improving – Telnet Client and Grocery List

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Up until now the apps RIM has approved to show in App World for the BlackBerry PlayBook have been pretty basic. They have slowly been improving and the latest two show more promise for the PlayBook development environment. I spotted a new and free Telnet app by Will Powell on App World intended to help developers debug TCP connections which is kind of cool. Sean Oh has also released a cool grocery list app called My Grocery Book which is also free.

These are nothing compared to the super apps we see so far on the BlackBerry and especially other tablets but I hear those are coming soon. These larger companies do not want to play their hand until they have to and many are holding off submissions to App World and not publishing the app in App World until RIM puts out a release date.

Still I will really want to see more apps like a VNC/LogMeIn client, SSH client, SugarSync client, etc for the PlayBook when it launches. 🙂

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