RIM Asking for Developer Feedback in Current Survey

mad programmer

When I look back two or three years I am amazed at how RIM’s relationship with the BlackBerry development community has changed. A few years back if you wanted to develop a BlackBerry app you would have to jump through 10-15 hoops just to get a viable app. Everything from BIS-B setup to bug requests, simulators, proper development tools, documentation, and other developer necessities was as painful experience. Unless you had an “in” with somebody at RIM you were essentially out in the cold. Oh how the times have changed…

We now have RIM reaching out to developers with their latest developer survey. They are sending the survey to anybody in the Developer Zone along with promoting it on the BlackBerry Developer Blog. RIM is asking for developers to provide their input on what would make developers more successful in BlackBerry platform development. They want to know what tools you prefer, what platforms, programming languages, and the development phases you spend the most time on.

You can take the survey and provide that feedback in a few minutes at this link

RIM plans on running this survey at least twice a year to better understand the developer community and how they can help. The questions are both multiple choice and open ended where you can complain about why RIM is still charging for code signing keys… Feel free to share your suggestions in the comments. 🙂

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