Industry Gets More Promises of MicroUSB Charging Standard

BlackBerry Charger

I am still waiting for the day when all of my friends will have MicroUSB chargers in their homes and offices for me to use. RIM was one of the trend setters in this regard starting with MiniUSB and now MicroUSB standard chargers across their device line. While other hold outs have slowly migrated to MicroUSB there is one notable holdout to this trend. You guessed it… Apple.

Over a year ago the GSMA group set upon the MicroUSB standard by 2012 with RIM joining in the fray. This week the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) joining in setting the MicroUSB standard. The difference? This time they have Apple making a non-binding promise along with Nokia, RIM, LG, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, and Alcatel. While many of these have already moved from proprietary connections (Thank you Samsung) I am waiting for the day that Apple finally does away with their proprietary cable.

Anybody want to place a gentlemans bet on if it will ever happen?

via MobileCrunch

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