New iShelved from Ninja Themes!

Ninja Theme’s has been quiet for a while but they’re back with this latest release, iShelved. A very sharp styled yet easy to access theme, “iShelved comes packed with slickness. 9 user-customizable icons + ocd “weather” slot, awesomely distinct iPhone icons stacked on a shelf. Background is user-customizable, so you can make it look as awesome as you like without losing the functionality of the shelves. Theme files are small, and won’t lag your Berry down.” There’s also an additional Zip file you can download via desktop once you purchase the theme of 6 additional matte colored wallpapers! All this for a sale price of only $1.99! Visit the store link for more details. Ninja’s themes are always impeccable in style and function so I recommend jumping on this one.

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