BlackBerry PlayBook’s “Bridged” Email Interface

One of the things that I am still wondering about the PlayBook is how the Bluetooth “Bridge” between the PlayBook and the BlackBerry will work in real life. While at the show I noticed that it was blazing fast which is not typically seen over Bluetooth connections especially in a crowded areas like the show floor. It was also kind on the battery life of the Torch. So much so that during the 2-3 hours I was floating around the booth the demo BlackBerry Torch only went down about 5-10% battery (hard to tell because the device only measures in 5% increments until you hit 10% remaining).

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I managed to snap some good shots of the BlackBerry PlayBook email interface while bridged @CES to share with you all. There is nothing crazy new about it since the left hand side looks almost exactly like BlackBerry 6 and mirrors what is shown on the device. The right hand side is just a preview screen and was fast to switch between emails unlike the current BlackBerry 6 OS versions. While connected over the bridge you will see a blue thunder bolt like icon on the top of the BlackBerry smartphone as you see below:

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Here are some more snaps of the email interface in full screen view


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I tried catching some shots of the calendar but they did not come out for some reason. Here is a shot of BBM just to round out the picture though you can get a better feel on all of this in our video walkthrough. I copied it below for reference. Email is what made RIM great and I think it is a shame that it is not native in the PlayBook OS. Still I trust that RIM has worked out the usability of this and hopefully it will seem like second nature in real life use. So what do you think of the BlackBerry PlayBook email interface over the “Bridge”?

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