App World Spotted on BlackBerry PlayBook Featuring Skype App

Screen shot 2011-01-09 at 6.10.14 PM

While at CES I was asking about what App World would look like on the BlackBerry PlayBook. RIM has changed much of the BlackBerry experience including things that have been around for ages like the BlackBerry menu button. I was curious what kind of makeover they would be giving for App World since currently it will be the only way to install apps on the PlayBook. Adam over at CrackBerry managed to snap a quick shot of what looks like App World on the PlayBook. Even more interesting is that version of App World features Skype for the PlayBook so it looks like it will no longer be a Verizon exclusive on the PlayBook.

What do you think? Personally I am not that crazy about RIM creating a monopoly of only allowing apps for the PlayBook through App World. I hope that changes before launch or some developer comes up with a way to sideload apps. Otherwise RIM is going down the Apple road with a curated app store. I know they have to offer sideloaded apps since internal corporate apps cannot be offered on App World.

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