BlackBerry PlayBook Applications Hands On – Documents to Go and More!


During our hands on demo with the BlackBerry PlayBook I had a chance to go through the different apps that are already functioning. I was impressed with the work they have done with Documents to Go to get a nice word processor along with slideshows, spreadsheets, and even a PDF viewer built in. While the current BlackBerry version of Documents to Go is pretty good for viewing documents it is really annoying to edit and create anything on such a small screen.

That is exactly where I think the PlayBook fits in. We also got a chance to try out a few other apps and even play one game on the device. The apps range from the impressive to the simplistic flash games you are used to playing online. I even took a video of me playing a side scrolling shooting game you can catch below. Even small games like the ninja tic tac toe were entertaining. Check out the walkthrough below:

A simple balloon shooting game:

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Tic tac toe clone:

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Spreadsheets to Go

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Word to Go and Slideshow to Go

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The Native YouTube App

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Fantasy Football app

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Native Picture Viewer

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Let us know if there are any other apps you want to see!

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