App World Starting to List BlackBerry PlayBook Games?

Memory4Kids PlayBook App

Not sure what to make of this one. Joe from PlayBook Daily let us know he was contacted by a developer (Jason Fincanon) who has had their BlackBerry PlayBook app accepted into App World. Beyond the lucky b@$+@r& already being eligible for a free BlackBerry PlayBook in RIM’s contest the app is actually listed for everybody to see in App World as you can see above.

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The app is called Memory4Kids and clocks in at a very small 268KB and was accepted on December 23rd. There are no reviews and the app is listed as free. Who knows if we will start seeing more of these in App World. The supported devices listing on the right says it supports only the BlackBerry PlayBook running OS 6.0.0 or higher in every country but South Korea. The app has some screenshots for you to check out and they are in the wider PlayBook format though they are still tiny…

Let us know if you spot more accepted PlayBook apps. Memory4Kids is not a graphically appealing app but it is the first we have seen in App World.

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