Free TheBirthdayApp Lets You Set Custom Birthday Reminders for Contacts

The birthday app The birthday app2

Donald spotted a new app in the store appropriately called TheBirthdayApp. The current BlackBerry address book app lets you store birthdays for contacts but does not let you customize the reminder time for the birthdays. That is where the free TheBirthDay app by Gyubok Baik comes in. It lets you set your own reminder time on how many days in advance and what time of the day you want to be notified of a contacts birthday. That means no longer getting reminders at midnight about a friends birthday :).

According to the developer the app does not run in the background which means it is light on the battery. It only turns on when a birthday is set for a reminder. The app is supported on all OS 4.5+ devices. You can pick up the free TheBirthdayApp at this link in the store!

Now if only RIM would allow you to set reminders in the calendar for longer than 2 weeks like this app does…

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